When you rent an apartment in Japan, you have to buy a lot of furniture. Furnished apartments are not so common in Japan as in the US although they are getting very popular these days for a short duration of stay.
Beds, tables, and chairs are on the list of necessary items to buy. Refrigerators are not furnished either. If you are used to using an oven when cooking, the oven could be a necessary item to buy. A cooking stove, which is normally a gas stove in Japan, has to be purchased if you cook or should boil water for coffee or tea.
From a Japanese sense, it is strange that a dish washer is a sort of standard equipment furnished in American apartments. Japanese people think they can do the dishes by hand, not by the machine, especially when there are a few people in the family. They think they can save electricity and water, which is environmentally friendly.
On the other hand, what would surprise Americans is some "laundry space," where a washing machine should be placed, is furnished as a standard in Japanese apartments. Although you have to buy a washing machine, you do not have to go to the laundry mat to do the laundry.
How convenient is it to have a washing machine at home? You do not have to go out in the hot or cold weather. You can do other things while your clothes are being washed. Also, calculate the amount you would spend in the laundry mat.
Suppose you do the laundry once a week and spend $5 each. You will spend $240 a year. If you keep paying this amount for 2 years, you could afford to buy a brand new washing machine with the total amount (i.e., $480). Since you would probably spend more than $5 each, the yearly amount could exceed $240.
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